



ihr HertZ 2024年3月号 【期間限定】
スタイリッシュ&セクシュアルな男達の物語『ihr HertZ』[イァ ハーツ]

Ωの花燭 共鳴恋情……岩本 薫&幸村佳苗
ミドルエイジはやさしく愛したい love each other……町屋はとこ



※本作は紙で発行している「ihr HertZ」の電子書籍版です。掲載されている情報は紙版発行当時のものとなります。電子書籍版にはプレゼント・アンケートは含まれておりません。
英熟語の集中治療室 <INTENSIVE CARE 2>

英熟語の集中治療室 <INTENSIVE CARE 2>

無料サンプル 内容紹介

まえがき/とぅーる・ぼっくす(Tool Box):前置詞と[前置詞的]副詞/表題文一覧(英文)/1. account for/2. at a loss/3. blame for/4. bring up/5. by…/6. call for/7. carry out/8. catch up with/9. come across/10. different from/11. do without/12. each other/13. familiar with/14. far from/15. feel like/16. for all/17. get along with/18. get over/19. give up/20. have nothing to do with/21. in spite of/22. know better than to −/23. look after/24. look down on/25. make out/26. make up for/27. much of/28. on…terms with/29. out of order/30. pick up/31. prefer…to/32. prevent…from/33. provide…with/34. put off/35. put up with/36. quite a few/37. remind…of/38. rob…of/39. stand for/40. take…for granted/41. take part in/42. tell…from/43. turn down/44. turn out/45. what…become of/表題文一覧(訳文)/Preparatory Test, Achievement Test 解答/Index

ひげを剃る。そして女子高生を拾う。 Each Stories

ひげを剃る。そして女子高生を拾う。 Each Stories

無料サンプル 内容紹介
アニメ化もした大人気小説の、日常スピンオフが待望のコミカライズ! 沙優をはじめ、三島・後藤・あさみの本編では見られない”素顔”をお見せしちゃいます。 彼女たちの可愛らしいギャップをご堪能あれ!
How to Teach Morality to AI and Robots(東大教授が挑むAIに「善悪の判断」を教える方法 「人を殺してはいけない」は“いつも正しい”か? 英語版)
With rapid advancement in development of artificial intelligences (AIs) and robots in the current world, some people predict that a society where robots and human beings coexist is approaching in the near future.
However, I simply wonder if we could actually get along with robots in this world, where we cannot accept diversity even among the same human beings. If we had robots in this deeply divided world, would not it merely end up causing even greater chaos?I recently started researching on morality engine to control behavior of robots. Simply put, I study how to make robots distinguish good and evil by themselves for the upcoming future when robots and human beings coexist.The concept of morality for robots is not anything new.
Back in 1940s, for example, an American science fiction writer Isaac Asimov started introducing his famous Three Laws of Robotics in his novels.The Three Laws are very well known, and some people even treat them like golden rules for robots to observe. However, to me, these Laws seem to hold significant problems and therefore to be unsuitable for practical purposes.
As you read this book, you will be able to figure out the fundamental defect in the Laws.In order to study the moral engine with which to regulate robots, we need to first describe the moral framework of human beings. We can make possible such an attempt to model an abstract concept, by using an engineering way of thinking as a tool.
In this book, I would like to think about this framework together with you, using as simple and easy words as possible.If we can model human morality, we will be able to install it onto brains of robots. If we can build a moral system that robots and human beings − mutually different existences − can share, it will in turn help us to overcome divisions resulting from differences in standpoints among human beings, and to further develop an inclusive and diverse society.
Using such a new moral system, I would like to establish alternative principles to Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics and to think about the possibility of a society where human beings and robots coexist. Morality and robots may seem to have nothing in common − but by looking at the point where these two areas actually cross, we will be able to see principles of a future society that we human beings should aim at.
Throughout this intensive seminar, we are going to freely and widely develop our arguments.I plan to also provide you with a summary and practice exercises at the end of each session to help deepen your understanding. Let us


無料サンプル 内容紹介
表題作他、「Cheating each other」「淋しがりやのバラッド」「Dislike tutor」の計4話とその後の番外編を収録した、上総かける初短編集。
あなたの一日が世界を変える[日英対訳] Your day will change the world[Japanese and English] 今日が輝く「10の問いかけ」 “The Ten Questions” to make your day shine

If you honored your day every day and lived each day mindfully the world would be better for one-seven-billionth. If two people three people and even more people tried to do so the world would become better little by little. The key is “The Ten Questions” to make your day shine and they are for you to ask every day. This book is a self-enlightening picture book with the above message. People of all ages from the 5th and the 6th graders of elementary schools to adults both men and women and young and old can get some hints to live a better day naturally once they answer to “The Ten Questions” such as “Are you smiling now?” “Who are those whom you care about?” and so on as they go through a story of a traveler and a young man. All the content is in both Japanese and English.


無料サンプル 内容紹介
小・中・高と幼なじみのみさと悠真。8年間ずっと傍にいた2人。幼なじみのポジションは、安定で揺るぎない。だから、「好き」だなんて伝えられなくて…(「ウラ×ウラ」)。 全6編の等身大の恋がギュッと詰まってます! 【収録作品】ウラ×ウラ/なんで?×なんで?/永遠のまえ/アイビー/ひと夏過ぎて〜アイビー番外編〜(描き下ろし)/永遠のまえ〜in love with each other〜
Jetta’s Travels… with Rice

Jetta’s Travels… with Rice

無料サンプル 内容紹介
A digitized version of the feel−good story manga、 Jetta’s Travels… with Rice − the “travel and food” themed adventures of Jetta and his family.

Check out the recipe photos and bonus illustrations for each episode.

18 original manga stories.
Girl meets Sweets レンタルラベル

Girl meets Sweets

無料サンプル 内容紹介
漫画 レンタル
海外からも注目される大人気イラストレーター・Sakizoの商業初単行本。オールカラーのストーリー形式イラスト集! スイーツをモチーフにした衣装をまとった、甘くて可愛い女の子たち。色彩が奏でるマーチに乙女心も躍る。わくわくドキドキが大好きな主人公の女の子・小麦ちゃんが出会ったのは、美しい衣装をまとった甘くて可愛い女の子(スイーツ)たちとの魔法のような時間……。

第1章:月夜のサアカス(Cirque de la Lune)
第2章:アイスクリームパレス(ICE CREAM PALACE)
第3章:ガール ミーツ スイーツ(Girl meets Sweets)
第4章:コーヒー&ティーブティック(COFFEE & TEA BOUTIQUE)
第5章:甘味処 四季(Tea and Sweets Shop、“Shiki”)
第6章:パティスリーパレード(PATISSERIE PARADE)

English translations are also posted for overseas readers! his is an illustration collection of Sakizo edited in a story format. Sakizo fascinates many readers with delicate and romantic costume designs with cute girls.A number of romantic、 gorgeous and cute illustrations will bring you a magical moment each time you turn over the page!
恋情発熱体 レンタルラベル


無料サンプル 内容紹介
漫画 レンタル
運命の二人はここにいる!? 氷のように冷たい男・瑞樹とひだまりの少女・小見沢。二人が出会った瞬間、小見沢の身体は急激に燃えるように熱くなってしまった。瑞樹を思うと胸が、カラダが熱くて切ない……。意を決して瑞樹に告白するが、その瑞樹からは自分とは違い冷たい何かが吹き出していた。氷とひだまり。二人は本当に相反する存在なのか? そんな中、とある事件が起こり……!?不思議な体質の二人の恋の行方を描いた表題作の他、とある施設で出会い、恋に落ち、引き裂かれた二人のピュアなラブロマンスを描いた「They are in love with each other.」、足立三兄弟と都の不思議な恋物語を描いた「ADACHI3」を収録。乙女な貴女にお贈りするステキなラブコメ短編集!!
Lofty Hights (青春!Cheers High!!)[英語版]

Lofty Hights (青春!Cheers High!!)[英語版]

無料サンプル 内容紹介
A high school clique is goaded into joining the cheerleading club by their overenthusiastic leader. While their older classmates make it all look so easy and graceful, Rie and her team keep falling over each other! Exhausted from countless practice sessions and frustrated with what seems to be the fruitlessness of it all, Rie starts wondering…is this worth passing up my valuable high school years over? A chance encounter one night gives her the answer she was searching for…

Serizawa’s Ambition (新撰組初代局長 壬生の狼 芹沢鴨)[英語版]

Serizawa’s Ambition (新撰組初代局長 壬生の狼 芹沢鴨)[英語版]

無料サンプル 内容紹介
The first commander of the famed Shinsengumi samurai police force, Serizawa Kamo has seemingly gone mad in pursuing his own agenda during the final days of the shogunate era. When not trading blows with the likes of Sakamoto Ryoma, Nakaoka Shintaro and other loyal servants of the state, Serizawa indulges himself in the earthly pleasures of, women, sake, and money. Forced to plot an assassination against him are Kondo Isamu, Hijikata Toshizo and Okita Soji − members of the same Shinsengumi unit. Enter the world of these legendary heroes as they each struggle to come to terms with the tumultuous period of transition between the long−standing rule of the Edo shogunate and the new Meiji era.

Lovin’ Feeling Left Behind (置き去りにされた恋心)[英語版]

Lovin’ Feeling Left Behind (置き去りにされた恋心)[英語版]

無料サンプル 内容紹介
After being suddenly dumped by her ex simply because he “found another woman,” Haruka officially swore off men and love in general. It is little surprise, then, that her job at a marriage counseling center is getting on her nerves more and more with each passing day. One day, Haruka finds herself with a brand−new boss − a handsome but insufferable guy who suddenly calls her “ugly” to her face! It isn’t long before Haruka and her new boss are at each other’s throats every day, until finally, when on the verge of deciding she’s had enough, she commits herself to showing him what’s she’s really made of! The hard part is that she has to act in the part of a “stand−in” at a matchmaking party to do it!
