



How to Teach Morality to AI and Robots(東大教授が挑むAIに「善悪の判断」を教える方法 「人を殺してはいけない」は“いつも正しい”か? 英語版)
With rapid advancement in development of artificial intelligences (AIs) and robots in the current world, some people predict that a society where robots and human beings coexist is approaching in the near future.
However, I simply wonder if we could actually get along with robots in this world, where we cannot accept diversity even among the same human beings. If we had robots in this deeply divided world, would not it merely end up causing even greater chaos?I recently started researching on morality engine to control behavior of robots. Simply put, I study how to make robots distinguish good and evil by themselves for the upcoming future when robots and human beings coexist.The concept of morality for robots is not anything new.
Back in 1940s, for example, an American science fiction writer Isaac Asimov started introducing his famous Three Laws of Robotics in his novels.The Three Laws are very well known, and some people even treat them like golden rules for robots to observe. However, to me, these Laws seem to hold significant problems and therefore to be unsuitable for practical purposes.
As you read this book, you will be able to figure out the fundamental defect in the Laws.In order to study the moral engine with which to regulate robots, we need to first describe the moral framework of human beings. We can make possible such an attempt to model an abstract concept, by using an engineering way of thinking as a tool.
In this book, I would like to think about this framework together with you, using as simple and easy words as possible.If we can model human morality, we will be able to install it onto brains of robots. If we can build a moral system that robots and human beings − mutually different existences − can share, it will in turn help us to overcome divisions resulting from differences in standpoints among human beings, and to further develop an inclusive and diverse society.
Using such a new moral system, I would like to establish alternative principles to Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics and to think about the possibility of a society where human beings and robots coexist. Morality and robots may seem to have nothing in common − but by looking at the point where these two areas actually cross, we will be able to see principles of a future society that we human beings should aim at.
Throughout this intensive seminar, we are going to freely and widely develop our arguments.I plan to also provide you with a summary and practice exercises at the end of each session to help deepen your understanding. Let us
Mysteries of Wine Can it make you healthy?

Mysteries of Wine Can it make you healthy?

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“Since the taste of leftover wine gets worse and worse after opening the bottle, you must drink up the wine in the bottle after opening it” “You should combine Burgundy lamb dishes when you take this certain wine”….Are these “useful” instructions really correct? Kenichi Shimizu is not only a Doctor of Microbiology, but also a world−class consultant on brewing technology. This book is an introductory book that solves general questions about wine from a scientist’s point of view. Various positive effects of wine on human health have recently come up in the conversation. “Red wine is helpful for anti−aging” “Red wine can protect us from heart diseases” “Red wine can prevent dementia”….Numerous health−friendly substances have been found in wine indeed, but there is too much misinformation. This book also unravels the truth of various discourses in media such as TV, magazines or the internet on the health benefits of wine.

鶴のおりがみBOOK 英語・仏語・中国語訳付き

鶴のおりがみBOOK 英語・仏語・中国語訳付き

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In this book, we will introduce you to various types of folded paper cranes.
We’ve also included chiyogami with auspicious motifs, including cranes, and other beautiful patterns as well, so please enjoy these distinctive designs with every fold.

恋鶴 Love Cranes
四連鶴 Quadruplet Cranes
青海波 Wave Pattern Cranes
基本の鶴 Basic Crane
はばたく鶴 Flapping Crane
二重の鶴 Double−Layered Crane
巣ごもり鶴 Nesting Crane
鶴の門松 Crane Kadomatsu
寿鶴A Congratulatory Crane A
寿鶴B Congratulatory Crane B
鶴のめびな Crane Empress Doll
鶴のおびな Crane Emperor Doll
端午の節句の鶴 Boys’ Day Crane
鶴の器 Crane Bowl
小箱鶴 Small Box Crane
鶴の箸置き Crane Chopstick Rest
鶴の懐紙 Crane Kaishi
鶴のたとう Crane Tat?
鶴のぽち袋A Crane Pochi−bukuro A
鶴のぽち袋B Crane Pochi−bukuro B
お祝い鶴 Celebratory Crane
鶴のブックマーカー Crane Corner Bookmarks
鶴のしおり Crane Bookmark
鶴のメモスタンド Crane Note Stand
鶴の花入れ Crane Vase

People Before Products

People Before Products

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【NOTE : This eBook does not present the entire content as it appears in the print edition.】Management based on the principle of collective wisdom not only leads to better business performance it also fosters the growth of individual human potential. From my own experience and observations employees grow in insight and ability even if their supervisor is the most average of people as long as that supervisor is a willing listener and is determined to work harder than anyone else to mobilize the human resources available to him or her. This is how humankind’s tremendous potential will be fully realized.

【注 書籍版に収録された「Part Two:Memorable Encounters」は収録されておりません。ご了承ください。】



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ウイルスや花粉症対策に洗って繰り返し使える! 10分で作れるマスクからマスクカバーまで、SMLを中心にLL、ベビーサイズまでを掲載。和文&英文を併記。


手拭いマスクなどリサイクルマスク/マスクに向いてる布の選び方やお手入れ ……etc.


It can be washed and used repeatedly to combat viruses and hay fever!
Includes masks and mask covers that can be made in 10 minutes and three sizes of SML, LL, baby size are listed. (Written in both Japanese and English)

In this book, you can find a simple mask using a bond, a recycled mask that can be made by old baby clothes and T-shirts, and also a mask cover for a Tenugui (hand towel) or a disposable mask. We propose masks that can be made with things around the house.
The process is described in both Japanese and English, including many photos. We suggest embroidery and applique for children, and sizes for women and men are listed. We will also introduce how to choose the right fabric and how to care for it.

Felt Mask/T−shirt Mask/Nonwoven Mask/Basic Cloth Mask/Pleated Mask/Three-dimensional Mask/Simple Mask/Various Masks/Cute Animal Mask/Knitted Mask/Tenugui Mask/Extra Large and Extra Small Mask/Mask Cover/Mask Case/The pattern/How to put on a mask/The cloth/Sewing and embroidery…etc.
ONE FLAMEEROTICS ヒトコマエロマン 2019 全年齢版

ONE FLAMEEROTICS ヒトコマエロマン 2019 全年齢版

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陽気婢 Twitter イラスト集2019・全年齢版の登場です。

From the illustrations uploaded on Twitter in 2019, I have collected all 179 items that can be viewed for all ages. Although the expression of the picture is repressive, sexual feelings may be evoked by the attached text, so please enjoy it after understanding. At the end of the book, a personalized New Year’s card for 2019 and illustration of postcard during the cold weather are also included.


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A background artist Mocha’s first book of paintings.
It contains 180 paintings with 4 themes.
What is more, It also contains methods of his paintings created for the occasion.

This is Also Life

This is Also Life

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とある夫婦や、道に迷った兄妹、口に鉄格子がはまった男の話……「This is Also Life」。そう、これもまた人生、なのである。

Girl meets Sweets レンタルラベル

Girl meets Sweets

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漫画 レンタル
海外からも注目される大人気イラストレーター・Sakizoの商業初単行本。オールカラーのストーリー形式イラスト集! スイーツをモチーフにした衣装をまとった、甘くて可愛い女の子たち。色彩が奏でるマーチに乙女心も躍る。わくわくドキドキが大好きな主人公の女の子・小麦ちゃんが出会ったのは、美しい衣装をまとった甘くて可愛い女の子(スイーツ)たちとの魔法のような時間……。

第1章:月夜のサアカス(Cirque de la Lune)
第2章:アイスクリームパレス(ICE CREAM PALACE)
第3章:ガール ミーツ スイーツ(Girl meets Sweets)
第4章:コーヒー&ティーブティック(COFFEE & TEA BOUTIQUE)
第5章:甘味処 四季(Tea and Sweets Shop、“Shiki”)
第6章:パティスリーパレード(PATISSERIE PARADE)

English translations are also posted for overseas readers! his is an illustration collection of Sakizo edited in a story format. Sakizo fascinates many readers with delicate and romantic costume designs with cute girls.A number of romantic、 gorgeous and cute illustrations will bring you a magical moment each time you turn over the page!