![Three’s Company (お兄ちゃんなんてぜったいに認めないんだからねッ!)[英語版]](https://img.papy.co.jp/lc/sc/item/cover/9-193358-c400.jpg)
Three’s Company (お兄ちゃんなんてぜったいに認めないんだからねッ!)[英語版]
- ジャンル:少年漫画
- 著者:Shinnosuke Fujishima
- 出版社:G2Comix
- 長さ:25ページ
- ポイント数:購入100ポイント

One day, our hero finds himself the third of three siblings − the other two of which are a pair of cute high school girls! There’s Mio, the touchy−feely type who drops in on our hero during bed and bath time, and then there’s Nao, the younger sister who can’t stand being around him. With Mio’s overenthusiasm for their arrangement and Nao’s total prudishness about the whole situation causing friction on a daily basis, it’s taking our hero everything to keep from going crazy! Will the day ever come that this trio becomes a normal, happy family?